World of Miracles

A master is able to employ his divine knowledge of light phenomena to project instantly into perceptible manifestation ubiquitous light atoms. The actual form of the projection (whatever it be: a tree, a medicine, a human body) is determined by the yogi's wish and by his power of will and visualization Thought is the matrix…

The way of the Spirits

Kāntārā the Kannadā movie is right now making waves in India. After hearing glowing reviews about it, I decided to watch it on the big screen (hadn't gone to a theatre in more than a decade!). This piece is not a movie review but just my own attempts at understanding the theme of this movie,…

The itch to innovate

This is an anecdote from many years ago, when Bill Gates was the Lord of the Tech World and the darling of the markets (before Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk et al). A conference of industry leaders was taking place somewhere with industry titans from IT, Automotive, Healthcare and other sectors participating. Bill Gates, in his…

Siddhartha – A Review

Introduction Nobel Prize winner Hermann Hesse’s ‘Siddhartha’ is considered by many as a literary classic, widely acclaimed for revealing to the West some really intricate philosophies of the Eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddhism. In terms of his background, Hermann Hesse came from a family of German Christian missionaries with links to India and grew…

Reflections on Death

Cycle of births and deaths

Varanasi (or Kashi, Benaras) is considered the epicentre of the Hindu Sanatan Dharma, a city founded by Lord Siva, the Vedic deity worshipped by Hindus as the Lord of Destruction. It is said to have been continuously inhabited, for nearly 5,000 years. Situated between the Varuna river in the north and Assi river in the…


At the alter of God

My Personal observations about prayer & its efficacy Introduction Prayer and faith are two sides of a coin, in the realms of the soul…each sustaining & nourishing the other. Questions and experiments are the realm of the physical world, limited by the boundaries of human intellect and causal parameters. Never the twain shall meet…or do…